Rape & Forcible Sex Abuse

Rape is nonconsensual sex. It can be done by force, sex with someone who is unable to consent like a minor or someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol to an extent they can’t consent.

Rape and Forcible Sex Abuse Includes the Following:

Rape is a defensible crime. If often comes down to “he said she said” and with an aggressive defense you can beat the charges.


Contact our Salt Lake City Criminal Lawyer now and get your case started

For over 25 years I have defended people charged with rape, forcible sex abuse, forcible sodomy and unlawful sex with a minor. I have defended many people with these charges and had success so call me or e-mail to discuss your case.

The State of Utah and its prosecutors show no mercy to people charged with a sex offense. You need a fighter at your side who will aggressively defend you.

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries about our process or need legal help with any criminal litigation, contact our office today.